Melloblocco respects the environment

The Melloblocco promises to be big with several hundred participants, so it is necessary to behave as in past editions, where the bouldering crowd has been an example for many mountaineers and hikers.

For this reason, there would probably be no need, but it is better to waste a few lines on useless recommendations than to risk that someone is not clear how to behave when you are a guest in a Valley and in the natural environment.

Melloblocco, good behavior and attention

1 We take away our waste, whether it's cigarette butts, snack wrappers or energy tablets, as well as cans or plastic bottles
2 Let's remember that we are guests not only of nature but also of the owners of the land on which the boulders are located, we show respect, we do not trample on the mown meadows, we only and always follow the tracks on the edges of the fields.
3 In case of physiological needs we try to reach isolated places or prepared toilets, no one would like to slalom through other people's excrement on their own land!
4 Cars must be left stationary in the parking lots, then you go on foot
5 Let's move in silence, the natural climbing areas do not fit well with music and shouts.
6 We kindly advise those who do not know these small attentions to pay attention and interest.
7 We are sure that once again we will demonstrate how much we climbers care about the natural environment, and that we certainly do not need bans or rules imposed by others.
So good climbing everyone, and goodbye to Melloblocco!

The reserve

On 27 January 2009, the Lombardy Regional Council unanimously approved the establishment of the Val di Mello Nature Reserve, thus creating the largest protected area in Lombardy.

This Reserve was strongly desired by the community which mobilized to safeguard the stupendous Val di Mello, to try to protect the extraordinary scenic beauty of this area.

The "climbers" have certainly contributed to all this, already realizing the particularity of the Valley decades ago.
The Integral Reserve extends on the orographic left (up to the path to Alpe Romilla) and access is possible only for authorized forestry personnel. The Partial Natural Reserve of landscape interest includes the valley floor with small, inhabited centres, while the entire remaining part (the largest) is an Oriented Reserve, which is crossed at high altitude by the famous Sentiero Roma.

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